Hi, it is the boy from Barrystown, charming, charismatic, scholarly, erudite, confident, self-assured, innovative, original, a pure genius with an intellect that exceeds anything ever tested, a right boyo, historian supreme, blessed among the women and wily, that wily boy from beside the mine pits; if it’s true it ain’t bragging—besides no native of Carrig-on-Bannow ever brags. Some great orator of the English language (maybe it was Jack Kennedy) said that there are two classes of Irish men and Irish women: those who come from the parish of Carrig-on-Bannow and those who wish that they came from Carrig-on-Bannow….

From The Wexford Independent 14th of September 1867:–

“Body Washed Ashore

On Sunday morning the 8th inst a man named James Kelly of Cullenstown, Bannow when walking along the strand, saw the body of a man floating in with the surf. He gave information to the Coastguards at Bar of Lough Station and the body was removed to an out-house of a farmer in the neighbourhood. The body was in an advanced state of decomposition and appeared to have been for a considerable period in the water, the face being denuded of flesh. His height was about six feet and stout make, wore a Corduroy trowsers (pieced), flannel waistcoat, dark body waistcoat, calico shirt, old shoes, heel of one newly repaired and grey woollen socks; he might have been about forty years of age. The case having been reported to the Coroner R. B. Ryan, Esq., by the Constabulary, he attended on Thursday when after a jury had viewed the body, there being no evidence as to identification, a verdict of found dead was returned. A coffin was procured by the Coroner’s orders and a graveyard made in the Churchyard of Cullenstown, where deceased was decently interred.”

Where is the churchyard of Cullenstown?

It was written in The People on August 6th 1910 of the closure of the Police Barracks at Tullicanna, circa 1840:–

“This was formerly a barrack but the sub-district not offering much beyond enjoyment and idleness to the peace officers stationed therein, they were withdrawn and the station closed.” With my usual investigative urge, I have found one type of work done by the police [Royal Irish Constabulary] at Tullicanna, and also, at Wellingtonbridge: I am quoting a report in The Wexford Independent on August 9th 1848:–

“Expulsion of Strange Beggars and Vagrants

The honest, hardworking and virtuous community of Kilmore and Mulrankin have suffered so much from the recent inundation and misconduct of strolling vagrants from “the far west”, that they have adapted the following resolutions at a meeting held on the 31st ult.

Proposed by Mr William Sparrow; seconded by Mr Francis Keating:

Resolved:–That the extreme annoyance which the people of this locality have been suffering from the misconduct and thefts committed by the number of strangers and strollers that are constantly amongst us. We feel called upon in protection to ourselves, to request of our local magistrates to enforce those acts of Parliament which empower them to relieve the Community of such a grievance.

Proposed by Mr John Day; seconded by Mr James Keating:

Resolved:–That copies of this resolution be forwarded to our local magistrates, with the expression of our wish to aid them to carry it into effect.