Hi, it is the boy from Barrystown, erudite, scholarly, eloquent, moves, acts and talks with panache, without equal, historian supreme, an intelligence far in excess of that of Einstein; a superb florist, a possessor of a poetic touch, an athlete and above all else, the most wily and devious of them all, that wily boy from beside the mine-pits. My birthday is on the 22nd of April with the traditional celebrations.

Kathleen Holohan B. Ed. will make a presentation on National Education from 1850 to O’Malley’s free education in 1967 with special reference to Clonroche National Schools on Wednesday April 19th at 8.30pm in Clonroche National School. She has done extensive research on the history of Clonroche National Schools. The event is under the auspices of Clonroche Historical Society.

From The New Ross Standard on the 1st of October 1898:–


Messrs Pettigrew, Wexford, recently published a large quantity of barley in the Hook district and found it necessary in the course of business to have it placed on the Wexford market for Tuesday. In order to do this, they loaded at Bannow a cargo of grain in the Mary Ellen schooner, the property of Mr Simon Roche, St Kearns. Owing to adverse winds, however, the vessel could not be put to sea and on Monday Messrs Pettigrew chartered the tug Wexford (Captain Busher) to tow the vessel to Wexford. She left Wexford early on Monday and by the same evening the Mary Ellen was in Wexford and her cargo ready for delivery at the appointed time. This is the first vessel that has been towed over Bannow Bar.”


Notice is hereby given that Margaret M’Kay, late of Grageen, Carrig-on-Bannow in the county of Wexford, by her will, dated the 15th day of March 1873, bequeathed the residue of her property, estate and effects unto the Rev. Nicholas Hore, of Carrig-on-Bannow, Roman Catholic Curate, or the person who for the time being, should or should be officiating as Roman Catholic Curate at Carrig-on-Bannow, at her decease, upon trust, to apply and distribute the same in charity amongst poor persons in the parish of Carrig-on-Bannow, in such way as he should think fit and Probate of such will was granted by the Court of Probate forth, of the Waterford District Registry, on the 29th of April 1874 to Andrew Colfer, of the Mill, Kiltra (Carrig-on-Bannow), in the County of Wexford, farmer, the sole Executor.

Dated this 3rd of June, 1874.

Peter J. O’Flaherty

Solicitor for said Andrew Colfer, 17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin, Enniscorthy and Wexford.”

Source—The Wexford Independent the 6th of June 1874.

I am wondering if Andy Colfer was related to Margaret M’Kay but in that case would she not have left her property to him? The will is an example of the role of protocols in the formulation of wills:–the Solicitor who formulated the will took enormous pains to ensure that either Fr Hore or whoever officiated in his place would get the money and effects to administer to the poor persons as he should judge as most in need.

According to Canon Gahan’s Book, Fr Nicholas Hore was a member of the Mount Pill family in the parish of Kilmore and uncle of Rev. Thomas Hore P. P., Monageer. In 1855 he went to St Patrick’s College, Maynooth and was ordained by Bishop Thomas Furlong on the 1st of January 1861. He was transferred to the Curacy of Ballymitty in October 1871 and transferred to Gorey in August 1873. In September 1875, he “was appointed P P Tintern; within a year he was again transferred to be P P Adamstown in June 1876. In July 1887, he was again transferred, this time at P P Rathangan. He died at the parochial residence on the 5th of February 1906.”

Two observations there! Firstly the solicitor was wise to place the appropriate protocols in the will as by June 1874 Fr Hore was long gone from the parish of Carrig-on-Bannow. It is unusual to rapidly and frequently change a Parish Priest from one parish to another. It is an enigmatic matter.

From The Wexford Conservative, the 12th of July 1834:–

“His Lordship has promoted the Rev. Mr Moore, curate of Ballynakill, to the vicarage of Bannow, vacant by the promotion of the Rev. Doctor Newland.”

From The Free Press the 4th of September 1948:–

“The Horseshoe Game—The Carrig and Wellingtonbridge Horseshoe Clubs are training regularly for a big challenge contest in the near future. The Carrig players will try hard to regain lost honours as they were badly beaten on the last occasion. Wellingtonbridge, on the other hand, hope to hold the laurels. This locality is going for a lot of sport of late: a Horseshoe Club, a Cricket Club and there are rumours of a new Football and Hurling Club. There is, also, talk of a sports meeting before the end of the season and that the tug-of-war team is to be revived.”

From The People the 19th of August 1950:–

“Visitors—Mr M. Murphy of Danescastle, is on a visit to his native place after thirty years in Wales. Mr Martin Doyle, Balloughton, visited friends in Duncormack district, after an absence of forty years. Mr T. Ryan, Balloughton, is on a visit to his native place from England. Mrs Baker, formerly Miss Dake, Coolishal, is on a visit with her husband to the residence of her brother Mr R. Dake, Coolishal.

Holidaying—Mr Dom Broaders of Carrig, is on holidays from Dublin. Before going to Dublin, Mr Broaders was a well known dancer, a contributor to local concerts, a member of St Mary’s dramatic class and also of Mr N. Bent’s famous mumming set, which won the county championship in 1936. He was, also, group leader in the Local Defence Force….

The “Big Day”—A continuous downpour marred what would otherwise have been a “Big Day” in Cullenstown. Preparations had been made for what would have been a large influx of visitors, but the weather did not clear up until late in the evening. The few who visited the village in the evening were locals from the surrounding area.”

From The Bristol Mercury the 12th of June 1841:–

“Another murder has left its red mark upon the character of Wexford. The following barbarous atrocity we extract from The Waterford Mirror:–“We regret to learn” says our contemporary, “that the county of Wexford has been the scene of another deed of violence and bloodshed. At two o’clock yesterday morning, the house of a man, named Patrick Neville, at Clonmines, in the southern part of the county, was broken into by three men whose faces were blackened. The robbers made him get up and took from him, a small sum of money, about £30 or £40, which he had saved and when departing, one of them fired a pistol at him, the contents lodging in his breast. At our last accounts, a few hours after, the man was still alive, but his recovery was looked upon as hopeless. The clergy and police were at the house and measures were taken to search for the offenders. It would appear to be in no manner of an agrarian crime, as Neville held, but two or three acres; and was little, if at all, above the rank of a labouring man.”

The brothers charged with the murder were of the better class but impulsive and callous and presumably crazy for drink. I do not think that they were convicted so maybe they were not connected with the crime. Neville would not put his money in a bank and was known to have a hoard of money in his house.

From The People the 19th of August 1890:–

“To The Editor

Dear Sir—I am glad to inform you that the “big day” in Cullenstown is losing none of its importance. The weather was truly magnificent and owing to the sea-breeze not oppressive, it was indeed, a day to induce pleasure-seekers to a day’s outing, to visit this popular haunt and take a plunge into the briny. Never before was the crowd so great—vehicles from every part of the county crammed every available farmyard—so that about three o’clock the banks, shore and road were swarming with people on pleasure bent. There were the usual fraternity of gamblers, &c, all surrounded with lookers on according to their different tastes. No inebriates were to be seen—no disturbing influence of any kind—pleasant features to record. Had there been a few bands to discourse sweet music, it would add much to the public amusement. On the whole I think all enjoyed themselves thoroughly and will await with pleasure the return of the next pattern.”

From The People the 25th of June 1881:–


On Thursday a bailiff named Nathaniel Hammond, New Ross, was engaged serving writs on the tenants of F. A. Leigh J. P. at Newbawn, county Wexford, he was scaled with boiling water thrown out from the top windows of a house, where he was affecting service by putting a writ under the door. Hammond fired his revolver into the upper window and a few shots into an outhouse where he heard some voices. Horns were sounded by the country people, when the bailiff called his man and croydon, and drove onto the nearest police station at Ballinaboola, where he reported the matter. The Daily Express adds—The police would have taken the bailiff into custody, but he refused to give himself up.”

The positive thing about Mr Hammond’s job was that nobody would be seeking to take it off him—a job of a permanent kind!

From The People the 17th of August 1898:–

(report of a meeting of the Board of Guardians of Wexford Poor Law Union)

“Ballymitty Pump

Mr Samuel Browne wrote:–“Acting on your orders as conveyed to me by your relieving officer, I have examined the pump at Ballymitty. I have to report for the information of your Board that the well required to be cleaned out and that a top stick is, also, required. I likewise recommend that the surface of the well be covered with concrete. This will prevent the water of the well being contaminated by surface water, etc, a thing that frequently happens now.”

Mr Murphy said that he considered the best thing to do would be to carry out Mr Browne’s recommendations. He suggested that a committee consisting of Rev. J. Busher C. C. Ballymitty, Messrs Nicholas Byrne, Patrick Gorman be appointed to look into the matter. Chairman—With your self and be allowed to incur an expenditure of £5.”

From The Wexford Conservative the 29th of July 1835:–


Wanted for the Kilkevan DISPENSARY  a superintendent capable of practicing Surgery, and Midwifery. The election to take place on Thursday the 6th of August. Candidates are requested to lodge their Testimonials with the Rev. Mr Moore, Bannow Glebe, on or before the 4th of August.

Richard Lett, Treasurer.”

The Land Sub-Commision met at New Ross in September 1896 to consider applications by tenants to have their rents reduced; the odd landlord might apply to have rents increased but the tilt of the Land Commission was to reduce rents. I quote from The People the 26th of September 1896:–

“The Colclough Estate

L. M. S. C. R. C. Biddulph, landlord; James Tierney, Bannow Island, tenant. Area 40 acres, 1 rood and 39 perches; rent £25; valuation £22 10 shillings. Mr Morris Goddard for the landlord and Mr J. R. Colfer for the tenant. Laurence Tierney, son of the tenant, deposed that his father lived on the holding and the family was there eighty years ago. The rent was raised about 14 years ago from £20 to the present figure. The holding was situate about fifteen Irish miles from the nearest market town Wexford and New Ross. The farm stood in detached patches. There was a mile and a half of bad roadway leading to the holding, which was often flooded for a half day. Chairman—And how are we to get there? Mr Colfer—Yes; that’s rather starling information for the commissioners. Witness—I could sail up them (laughter). Mr Colfer—But supposing they took the trouble of approaching the holding by land when the tide was out should they not go by Wellingtonbridge? Yes. Witness continuing stated that about twelve acres of the farm were tilled annually. He then described the buildings. Mr Goddard mentioned that considerable assistance had been from time to time rendered the tenants by the landlord in the way of giving timber and slates free for buildings. Mr Colfer (to witness)—Within your recollection was there any timber, slates or money contributed by the landlord? No. What age are you? Twenty seven. Mr Goddard—Oh well, he is a very young man. The Chairman observed that records of all such services by landlords were generally kept in the estate books and that gave the landlord an advantage over the tenant who never scarcely kept such memoranda. Mr Goddard contended that these records were kept only on exceptionally well managed estates. Mr Colfer observed that they were kept in the Kavanagh estate books. He contended that it should be presumed that the buildings were wholly erected by the tenants in the absence of specific evidence to the contrary. Evidence of some fence improvements having been given together with the statement that the tenant obtained seaweed occasionally. Mr Goddard cross-examined Patrick Tierney New Ross, uncle to the last witness, and brother to the tenant, who said he was reared on this farm and could remember over 60 years. All the buildings in witness’s time were thatched. Except three they were built in the last 60 years. At one time witness’s father was building a dwelling house and the Colcloughs had been in the habit of giving timber and slates to the tenants but, in consequence of their having refused them to his father, he discontinued the erection of the dwelling and it was there still. To Mr Goddard—My father was building the dwelling about 50 years ago. What age are you? I’ll you. I’ll be 69 if I live till next Holy Thursday, if you know anything about it (laughter). In the course of some further questions Mr Goddard said he could not understand the witness and Mr Tierney replied that he would make him understand if he had any understanding in him (laughter). Mr Goddard put no further questions. Mr Mc Grath valued on 25 acres at £12 15 shillings for the tenant. He did not take isolation into account. If the Commissioners were to allow for isolation, they should allow £1 10 shillings. Chairman—Mr Mc Grath, did you think when making your valuation, that £12 15 shillings would be a fair rent? Yes, certainly. To Mr Colfer—My net value would be £11 5 shillings. Mr Martin valued for the landlord on 35 acres, 2 roods and 13 perches, statute, at £24 16 shillings and 5 pence. He considered that the divisions of the farm were for tenant’s own convenience.”

The above case illustrated that the evidence given in such Land Commission Courts was ever biased and tilted excessively one way or the other. The big discrepancy between the rival valuations by Mr M’Grath for the Tierneys and Mr Martin for the landlord Colclough are an example of that. The tenants invariably downgraded their holdings depicting them as snipe runs or as bogs, and related travel by canoe, with the out houses falling down; the landlords stressed the supposed quality of the lands and monies given for building, etc, blah, blah. It is clear from the above that the Chairman of the Court favoured the tenant: these courts were a means of weakening the landlord hold on the lands and reflected increasing disquiet among the British political elites about landlordism in Ireland. The Tierneys naturally played to the gallery, with jokes and barbed gibes. I presume that their rent was reduced. As I always say the model of occupier/owner was the best solution to the land question and its eventual application in the Wyndham Land Act of 1903 led to peace and prosperity in the Irish countryside.