Hi, it is the boy from Barrystown and because the time during the week was limited my blog this week is a bit shorter that usual but it will be back to its full length next week. For this week I will dispense with the preliminaries of describing my manifold attributes. They are universally known.
Dr W. H. Grattan-Flood wrote in the Enniscorthy Guardian on 27th of July 1912:–
“The parish of Carrick-on-Bannow is so called to distinguish it from Carrick-on-Slaney. It is well to note that while Carrick-on-Slaney, near Wexford is dedicated to St Nicholas, the Church of Carrick-on-Bannow has Our Lady as its patron and is consequently known as St Mary’s. For full 500 years before the coming of the Anglo-Flemish invaders the district now known as Carrig-on-Bannow was called Suidhe Maedhoc, or St Mogue’s, also written Shimoge and Shaymoge and this appellation continued as late as the close of the 18th century. Suidhe Moedhoc after the invasion in 1170 was incorporated into the new parish of Carrick, but in the old deeds and documents we constantly meet with references to the two parishes of “Carrick and St Imogue’s”, the latter being an Anglicised form of Suidhe Moedhoc or the seat of St Mogue….
The old chapelry of Suidhe Moedhoc is near Coolhull Castle, where the holy well of St Mogue may still be seen. Both Carrick and St Imogue were regarded as chapeleries of Bannow and the entire rectory of Bannow was impropriated to the Cistercian monks of Tintern Abbey, also provided Vicars for the three churches. In 1318 there is a notice of Patrick Cousin as Vicar of Bannow. Passing over a century we find the Rev. Thomas Blake as Vicar of Bannow in 1495.”
From the Forth and Bargy notes in The Free Press on April 3, 1948:–
“Telephone For Ballymitty—A public telephone which has been installed in Ballymitty Post Office supplies a long felt want and is a much appreciated convenience.
A Graveyard Find—When re-opening an old grave in preparation for a funeral in Kilcavin, Ballymitty cemetery a few weeks ago, one of the grave diggers found a half sovereign, dated 1869, and in perfect condition buried in the soil.”
Rev. Richard Boyse of Bannow House died at Halkin Street West, Belgrave Square, London on the 8th of March 1864 aged 75 years. He had succeeded to the Bannow estate on the death of Tom Boyse in early January 1854. Rev. Boyse’s only son died young.
The People on August 24th 1881 reported on the Sheriff’s Sales of farms against which decrees were granted; this is an extract—
“The first case was that of William Carroll, tenant of 30 acres of the lands of Ballylannon, under Mr F. A. Leigh, Rosegarland, at a rent of £60. The amount of debt and costs was £70 16 shillings.
Mr O’Dempsey, who appeared on behalf of the tenant, asked to have the items stated.
The Sheriff—The debt is £60; costs £5 6 pence; poundage £3 8 shillings; bailiffs fees 2 guineas and 10 shillings expenses.
Mr O’Dempsey objected to the payment of two guineas bailiffs fees and to all expenses except that incurred in setting up the place. The landlord being plaintiff was acquainted with the particulars of the holding and could afford every information so that there was no necessity or no pretence at all for employing bailiffs or anything of the kind.
The Sheriff—I do not think there is anything in the costs that is unreasonable.
Mr O’Dempsey—We cannot pay bailiff’s fees at all. I would be disposed to allow anything that is for advertising. I will give £69 4 shillings 6 pence and do you at your peril refuse to receive it (cheers).
The tenant here stepped forward to pay the £69 4 shillings 6 pence amid deafening uproar and cheers for the Land League.”
It is puzzling to understand the strategy of the Land League—a tenant refused to pay the rent and the Landlord was given a decree by the court to repossess and sell the farm. banter The tenant would attend at the Sheriff’s sale and, after a bit of toxic banter, buy back his farm for the aggregate of the arrears of rent plus legal charges.
The People on the 4th of May 1912 reported that the Bannow hurling club did not travel to Foulksmills on Sunday as expected. The report added intriguingly:–
“A new football team is about to be organised in Whitty’s Hill (Bannow) and there are rumours of an amalgamation with Ballyfrory. Should this happen some of those more aspiring teams will have to look to their honours. The air in Bannow is flavoured with football just now—there used to be only one Bannow team, now there will be four and a hurling team, which shows that things are humming.”
The above is interesting as it shows that hurling was played in Carrig-on-Bannow parish in those long gone times.
From The Enniscorthy Guardian September 20th 1913:–
Mr John M’Cormack
The death occurred at his residence, Arnestown, Ballymitty on Friday last of Mr John M’Cormack. Mr M’Cormack who had reached the advanced age of eighty seven years was father of Rev. Aidan M’Cormack C. C. New Ross; Mr James M’Cormack M. P. S. I., Wexford; Mr John M’Cormack D. C. [District Councillor] and Mr Patrick M’Cormack. The funeral which was very largely attended took place on Sunday last at Ballymitty Church on Thursday at eleven o’clock. R. I. P.”
The People reported the 8th of July 1916 on a meeting of the Bannow and Ballymitty branch of the United Irish League at Carrig on the previous Sunday. The date is most significant: the Easter Rebellion of 1916 had occurred a couple of months previously. The report in detailing a plan to have people give in their names as willing to join as members for the coming year asserted “that every nationalist in the parish will give in their name and show by their numbers in the national ranks that this parish is still behind John Redmond and constitutional agitation which has won so much for Ireland.”
From The People October 26th 1864:–
“Bannow—The Irish Herculaneum
Sir—on a former occasion when writing under the above heading I stated that a stone slab, bearing inscription and date, had been found, whilst making excavations outside the old burial ground in Bannow; but not having seen it at the time, I was unable to give particulars regarding it. Being aware that a good deal of importance is attached to all matters capable of throwing additional light on this interesting subject, the following will serve to confirm the opinion, now so general, namely—that there existed, the in Bannow at some prior date, if not a city at least a town of respectable size and importance. Referring, however, to this slab (portion only of which was found) it contains in relief the builder’s name, in old Roman characters, together with the date 1398, in which year the house was built. It appears that there is some diversity of opinion regarding this date—from the lower portion of the date being removed. Some persons assert that it is a 5 but as the upper portion is evidently that of a 3, I cannot see any just cause for this assertion. A photograph of this stone has been forwarded to the “Kilkenny Archaeological Society” and the lovers of antiquity may inspect same at Captain Boyse’s house, where it now remains….”
The above was written by Antiquarian, the nome-de-plume of James Aherne, a dedicated local historian and celebrated Land League figure.
The Rev. John Lymbery reported to the Kilkenny Archaeological Society that during the work of repairing the wall which surrounded the “ancient church and burial ground of Bannow” that some excavations were made and portion of a stone with a fragmentary inscription was found; it read in translation—
“Ja[mes] Collin fitz[Lawr]ence builded this howse in the yeere of owre Lord, 1598 and Marion Sinot, his wife.”
1598 seems too good to be true as it would indicate that the city or town of Bannow existed well into the 17th century; on a basis of reasoned conjecture1358 would seem much more credible. Leigh writing at the end of the 17th century did not know of anyone with remembrance of the disappeared town. The obvious conclusion therefore is that as James Aherne points out the figure 3 was mistakenly discerned as 5.