Hi, it is the boy from Barrystown, charming and charismatic, inspired and inspiring, erudite, scholarly, historian supreme, superb florist, an intelligence greater by far than Einstein, marathon runner, a right boyo, blessed among the women,  and above,  all else, the most devious and wily of them all—that wily boy from beside the mine pits.

I intend to join the Bannow Historical Society tour. It is not necessary to have a plethora of eulogies to me, blah, blah….

The Ui Cinsealaigh Society will—on Wednesday the 19th of July— visit the walled garden at Tintern, Clonmines and arrive at Grantstown Centre for lunch. For details contact Kitty O’Reilly 0877546202. I hope to come with them.

From The Wexford Herald, Saturday, November 8th, 1828:–

“Bannow School, Saturday November 8th, 1828:–

“Bannow School

William James will receive into his family 12 Boarders, at the annual sum of 20 guineas. Such pupils as may be confided to his care shall be instructed in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, the use of the Globes &c, and if necessary all branches of scientific knowledge. They may, also, have the advantage of being instructed in the rudiments of Greek and Latin languages. As William James does not intend to take more than 12 pupils, an early application will be necessary.

Bannow Glebe, November 4th 1828

I feel particular pleasure in recommending to the public the School over which Mr James is to preside. I have never known any person more competent to instruct the young mind. If his interest & that of the pupils who may be confided to his care can receive any advantage from my personal attention and examination of their progress, I shall have considerable gratification in promising to undertake the task. I am fully confident that such parents as shall avail themselves of this Institution will have constant opportunity to congratulate themselves in entrusting their children to Mr James. I can only say that I would not recommend Mr James in this public manner, if I had not the fullest confidence in his high moral conduct, his talents and varied acquirements.

Henry Newland, Vicar of Bannow”

The Globe was an inevitable part of the furniture and a teaching aid in every school in the times gone by. One could hardly think of a more improbable idea than that the world is round, like a globe. This discovery must have fascinated and astounded the ancients. In modern science, common-sense and ordinary intuition do not always represent reality.

The Wexford Evening Post reported on the 30th of June 1826 that Rev. Henry Newland had been promoted to the role of Vicar of Bannow. He was then serving in Wexford town and was prominent in the Mendicity Society and the Savings Bank as well as serving as inspector of the Wexford gaol. A daughter was  born to his wife, in Alexandria, according to the Wexford Herald on the 4th of September 1824

From The People the 14th of March 1953:–

“Repair of Wall—The sea wall at Barrystown, Wellingtonbridge, is being repaired by County Council workmen. At this point, the tide often comes up on the roadway in stormy weather.”

I could hardly leave that out of a Blog!

From The Wexford Independent the 2nd of April 1856:–

“Church Dedication Sermon at Bannow

On Sunday next the Dedication Sermon will be preached in the beautiful church of Carrick (Bannow) by that eminently gifted pulpit orator, the Very Rev. Dr Cahill—the proceeds to be appropriated to the completion of the Sacred Edifice. We have reason to believe that the attendance will be both numerous and respectable—but that does not surprise us, when we recollect the strong claims which the amiable and beloved Pastor of the pastor—the Rev. Mr Corish—has on the whole district where he exercises spiritual control—added to the natural anxiety there exists to hear one of the most eloquent preachers that ever adorned the Irish Church.”

There would have been an admission fee to hear the sermon, with, inevitably, a huge crowd present; seats near the Altar would have cost much more than the others. One writer—Dr Grattan-Flood, if I recollect correctly— claimed the famous Fr Tom Burke preached the Dedication Sermon but that is clearly not correct. Fr Cahill came by train from Dublin to Wexford.

From The People the 22nd of July 1911:–

“New Ball Alley For Cullenstown

Mr H. T. Boyse J. P., Bannow House, has presented a site and a liberal subscription for the erection of a ball alley in Cullenstown. This is only one of the many kind acts members of the Boyse family have done for their tenants in late years. The boys have expressed their sincere thanks to the kind donor and intend opening a subscription list to help to defray the expenses of erecting an alley, which is certain to meet with warm support. The alley will add greatly to the popularity of Cullenstown as a seaside resort and bring an increased number of visitors. Messrs T. White, Mat Colfer and Patrick Rowe are the guiding stars in the movement. May they succeed in their laudable undertaking is the heartfelt wish of one and all.”

Michael Myers Shoemaker’s Wanderings in Ireland were published by Knickerbocker Press of the firm G. P. Putnam & Sons, New York and London in 1908. The intended implication would seem to be that of leaving an impression of the peasantry or tenant farmers as boorish, violent, superstitious, feral and savage; his account of the situation on the Boyse estate at Bannow is, simply, hard to believe:–

“During the boycott, Bannow House was in a state of siege and its owner forced to start a store on the lawn, for his own workmen, who could not purchase anywhere. These provisions were brought from London under guard.

After his death—in 1881—his grave— guarded by policemen, for 24 hours, until the concrete in which the coffin had been buried had set—was surrounded all the time by a howling mob, who would have promptly “had him out” otherwise.

He hated the Parson and so left the Church’s legacy of two thousand pounds, to the “next incumbent”, or the interest thereof, but the parson was equal to the occasion and, resigning, got himself re-elected and so became the “next incumbent” and secured the interest.”

Shoemaker’s vignette of the local people dancing in the moonlight on the tombs of the Boyse family in the chancel of the old Church at Bannow is as vile as it is outlandish.

From The People November 15th 1879:–

“Captain Boyse and His Tenants in the County Wexford

An anonymous letter has been received by Captain Boyse, threatening to shoot him unless he reduced the rents of his Catholic tenants.

A meeting was held at Bannow, this 11th day of November, of the Catholic tenants on this estate, when all in the strongest manner expressed their abhorrence of such an infamous document, their regret that any annoyance should be given to their kind and considerate landlord and their conviction that there was not a tenant on the property who would have anything to do with such a disgraceful letter; and to prove that such were their real sentiments, they promised to pay the following sums, opposite their names, amounting to £118, for such information, as may lead to the conviction of the writer:–

Nicholas Sinnott and Michael Corish–£10 each; John White and Pat Codd–£8 each; William Kane, Denis Crosbie, Gregory Rossiter, Gregory White, A. Keating–£5 each; Pat Wade, Ellen Cullen, Barth. Cullen, David Connors, John Barry, Peter Stafford, John Ffrench–£3 each; John Cahill, Andrew Cullen, Thomas Harpur, James White, Laurence Stafford–£2 each; William Browne, Ben Radford, M. Walsh, Pat Colfer, John Browne, Michael Davey, John Boyse, John Stafford, John Kinsella, R. Brown, M. Cahill, T. Furlong, John Moran, G. Galavan, Martin Stafford, M. Dake, B. Wade, B. White, J. Stafford, William Radford, Patrick Colfer–£1 each.”

A later correspondent to the People alleged that the agent to the Boyse estate pressurised these tenants to sign this letter and he asserted that many of them did not have money that they promised to pay for information leading to the conviction of the writer! There is no way of determining what the truth of the matter was. It was, also, suggested that no such letter was ever written.

From The People the 29th of July 1891:–

“Alleged Stealing of Two Pounds

On Saturday a young lad, named Philip Roche of Carrigeen Street was arrested by Sergeant Ebbit on a charge of having stolen the sum of two pounds belonging to Mr Andrew Parle, Ballymitty. It would appear that Mr Parle was in the shop of Mrs Rossiter, Cornmarket, paying poor rate to Mr Patrick Keating, collector, and young Roche was, also, there. The former left two one-pound notes on the counter and then put his hand in his pocket to look for a receipt. No sooner had he done so than, it is alleged, the young fellow grabbed the notes and made out in the door. Mr Parle went in pursuit, and having overtaken Roche, got back the money. Sergeant Ebbit was informed by Mr Parle of what had occurred and the sergeant then gave chase to the boy, who had gone along the Main-Street in the direction of Selskar. He was, however, captured at Charlotte Street, and taken into custody. He was brought before Mr E. K. Ryan C. E. and remanded to the next petty sessions, bail being accepted.”

The poor-rate was used to fund the Wexford Poor Law Union, for the upkeep of the health dispensaries, payment of doctors, maintenance of the Work-House and payment of out-door relief. Could one say that the youngster concerned was convicted by this report even before his trial before Wexford Petty Sessions?

From The People the 27th of July 1912:–

“Close of Bannow Mission

One of the most successful missions held in any part of the diocese was brought to a close at Carrig-on-Bannow on Sunday evening last. It had been exceptionally well attended during its two week’s course, not only by the parishioners, but by pilgrims from the surrounding parishes, who flocked in great numbers to the devotions each evening, so that seating accommodation in the spacious Church was always at a premium. A striking feature in connection with the mission was special devotions in honour of the Blessed Virgin, the altar of which was extensively decorated and ablaze with candles. A special sermon on the life of the Blessed Virgin was preached on the same evening. On Thursday evening last a very eloquent sermon was preached on the vice of intemperance, which was listened to with rapt attention. The Rev. Preacher dwelt much on the great vice on Sunday drinking and exhorted his hearers to keep away from public-houses on Sundays and Holydays. He, also, strongly condemned the use of drink at threshings and asked them in God’s name to do away with these degrading customs. As a result of the sermon a very large number took the total abstinence and anti-treating and Sunday drinking pledges. On Sunday evening there was an enormous attendance and the Rev. Preacher, Father Potter, in a most beautiful and eloquent sermon, exhorted his hearers to persevere to the end and be saved. He then gave them the Papal Blessing and the devotions concluded with Benediction of the Most Holy Sacrament.”

From The People the 8th of March 1862:–

“Sale By Walsh And Son

Valuable Sale of Wreck, Timber, Iron &c

By Auction

To be sold by auction on Tuesday, the 11th March, on the Strand of Ballymadder, part of the large ship “Cumloden Castle”, carefully broken up, comprising a large quantity of Deck, Bilge and Ceiling Beams. Three masts from 25 to 40 feet long, Bowsprit, Jib-Boom, two large Metal Pumps, Doors, Framed Panels; a large Iron Tank in good order; Figure Head, 46 Chain Plates, Iron, in lots of 2 cwt; Old Sails, Ropes, &c, &c.

Terms: Cash. Sale to commence at 12 o’clock.

Walsh & Son, Auctioneers

Wexford, 28th February 1862.

Immediately After the Sale of Wreck Timber

On Tuesday, 11th March 1862, at Ballymadder Strand, will be sold by auction, the Schooner “Boston Packet” of Wexford, carrying 60 tons, the property of Josiah Martin Esq., of Colebrook, Ballymitty, who will give full particulars and send a person to show the Vessel where she now lies, near Wellington Quay Bannow, any day before the auction. The “Boston Packet” has a full suit of Sails, and is found in Chain Cables, Anchors and Hawsers, &c, &c.

Walsh & Son, Auctioneers.”

From The People the 8th  of March 1862:–

“Proposed Mail Car Between Wexford and Carrick-on-Bannow

Two memorials, most respectably signed, have been forwarded to Henry James Esq., Surveyor, G. P. O., Limerick, praying for the establishment of a post car between Wexford and Carrick-on-Bannow. We hope the great want of such accommodation and the influence of the memorialists will induce the authorities to accede to a request which will contribute greatly to facilitate business transactions between the capital of the county and the important district about Bannow.”

From The People the 1st of December 1913:–

“A General Meeting of the members of the Carrig-on-Bannow branch of the Irish National Trade and Labour Benefit Society was held on the 23rd inst. There was a very large attendance and the principal business was the election of a committee for the coming year, which resulted as follows:–President, Mr Joseph Byrne, Lough; Vice-President, Mr Jas Byrne, Kiltra; Secretary, Mr James Wade, Danescastle. Committee—Messrs Thomas Murphy, Balloughton; Moses Carty, do, Edward Purcell, do, James Byrne, Grageen, Daniel Kelly, Kiltra, Patrick Keely, do, Michael Murphy, Danescastle, J. Murphy, Kiltra, Thomas Cullen, Carrig, John Cullen, Coolhull. The other business was routine.”