Hi, it is the boy from Barrystown, charming and charismatic, a right boyo, a sheer genius, historian supreme, an intelligence greater that Einstein, scholarly, erudite, moves and talks with panache, eloquent and poetic. It seems now that I have two birthdays: my Baptism Certificate gives my date of birth as 23rd of April and the Birth Certificate gives my birth date as 22nd of April. I believe the latter date but surely it would be good idea to celebrate the two birthdays!

The Kings owned or acquired all of Barrystown, about 500 acres. Jonas put himself forward for election as Coroner but failed to get the job: the remuneration was comparatively mediocre and Jonas may have been pinched for money in order to seek such a post. Richard King had tenant and lands at Brandane. Jonas later lived in Dublin.

From The People the 29th of July 1911:–

“Sale of Land

On Wednesday 26th inst., Mr R. P. Corish put up for sale a farm, the property of Miss Cousins, Busherstown, containing about 25 acres statute. Bidding started at £40 and rapidly increased to £140, at which amount, Mr John Chapman, Busherstown, was declared purchaser. Mr P. Carroll, Busherstown, was runner-up.”

From The People the 28th of July 1909:–

“Wanted, a blacksmith; must be a good shoer; constant work. Apply to J. Dake, Coolishall, Carrig-on-Bannow”

from The Free Press the 24th of May 1930:–

Confirmation at Bannow

On Tuesday, 13 inst., Most Rev. Dr Codd visited Bannow and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to about 90 children. His Lordship was assisted in the examination of the children by Very Rev. Canon Crowe, P. P. Ballymore. The answering of the children was good. There was an immense congregation present, amongst some of them of the principal families, who do not share our religious belief.

At the close of the ceremony, his Lordship addressed an appropriate discourse to all present explaining the graces of the Sacrament, the necessity of a good Catechetical knowledge and the usefulness of increasing that knowledge with the advancing years. His Lordship referred to the many advantages of a good secular education, which enabled them not only to discharge faithfully the duties of their avocations and pursuits in life, but, also, helped them materially in their spiritual lives. Mr Creane and Mr M. White acted as sponsors.”

From The People on the 23rd of February 1881:–


A special meeting of the committee of this branch was held on Wednesday in consequence of writs being served on Mr Jonas King’s property and attorney’s letters on Lieut-Colonel Tottenham’s tenants, Knocktarton; and also, Dr Boxwell’s Butlerstown, Ballygow tenants for the speedy recovery of rents. The rents had been offered in those cases at a reduction of 20 per cent and refused. Jonas King’s tenants were, also, present.

The chair was taken at six o’clock pm by the Very Rev. P. C. Sheridan P. P. President.

There were, also, present—Messrs A. Keating, Treasurer; James A. Ennis, Vice-President; J. Breen, Hon. Sec., Andrew Cullen, Patrick Wade, John White, Denis Crosbie, Gregory Rossiter, John Colfer, John Barry, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Walsh, James Crosbie, John M’Cormack and Thomas Culleton.

The Very Rev. President after explaining the object of the meeting, called the attention of Mr King’s tenants in globo to writs that were before them and required of them their intentions as to their future course. They were unanimous in paying their rents at their former offer, with 20 per cent off and hoped Mr King would see his way in accepting the offer in the spirit it was made and not to sever the ties of mutual regard that always existed between them and their landlord.

Proposed by Mr Ennis, seconded by Mr Corish, and passed unanimously:–“That in the event of Mr King carrying out those extreme measures in the Dublin courts, that this branch will bear the tenants harmless in all law costs.”

Proposed by Mr Keating, seconded by Mr N. Furlong and passed unanimously:–“That should Dr Boxwell not accept the offer of rent at 20 per cent reduction, this branch will, also, bear their part of the law costs.”

A similar resolution was passed in regard of Lieut-Colonel Tottenham’s Knocktarton tenants. It was, also, resolved to hand over the writs to a solicitor for inspection and advice. A vote of thanks was proposed to the Very Rev. President and passes unanimously.”

The above meeting surely confounds recent assertions that the Land League regarded the Catholic priest and the landlord’s agent in equal hatred.

From The People the 22nd of July 1911:–


Mr H. T. Boyse J. P. Bannow House, has presented a site and a liberal subscription for the erection of a ball alley in Cullenstown. This in only one of many kind acts members of the Boyse family have done for their tenants in late years. The boys have expressed their sincere thanks to the kind donor and intend opening up a subscription list to help to defray the expenses of erecting an alley, which is certain to meet with warm support. The alley will add greatly to the popularity of Cullenstown as a seaside resort and bring an increased number of visitors. Messrs T. White, Mat Colfer and Patrick Bowe are the guiding stars in the movement. May they fully succeed in their laudable undertaking is the heartfelt wish of one and all.”

From The People the 17th of July 1909:–


Roche—July 8, 1909, at his residence, Ballygow, Bannow, Simon Roche aged 76 years. Sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on his soul.”

From The People the 14th of July 1909:–

“A letter was read from nurse Doyle of Balloughton, Bannow asking for a fortnight’s leave of absence.

Mr O’Brien—Does she name a substitute?

Clerk—No; she does not mention it in her letter.

Mr Devereux—Is there not a Mrs Howlin out there who would duty for her?

Clerk—Yes; we employed her before at £1 a week.

Mr O’Brien—Let her provide a substitute. The district should not be left without a nurse.

It was decided to grant the application provided that the nurse provides a substitute.”

From The People the 20th of June 1891:–


Yesterday (Friday) in the Chancery Division, before the Vice-Chancellor, the case of Major Boyse, Bannow, against the Attorney-General, James Stafford, Coolseskin, Patrick Stafford, do, Patrick Grannell, do, and John Roche, Poulfur, came out for argument. It was an action that the plaintiff may be declared entitled to the exclusive possession of the lands, strands and seashore between high and low water mark and be quieted in the possession of same. The plaintiff also applied for an injunction against Stafford and the others, their servants, agents and workmen, to restrain them from trespassing on the lands, strands and seashore and from cutting, or carrying away or interfering with the seaweed growing or being thereon. Mr Wm Kenny Q. C.,; Mr Molyneux Barton B. L., (instructed by Mr Huggard [Wexford]) for the plaintiff. Mr Ball B. L. (instructed by Messrs Hallowes and Hamilton) for the Attorney-General.”

It beggars belief that Major Boyse would initiate this tedious and costly litigation over this increasingly redundant seaweed. Surely one could find could more useful things with one’s life!

From The People the 23rd of March 1912:–


Boyd—March 15th, 1912, at Kiltra house, Co. Wexford, the wife of J. Bagenal Boyd, a son”.

The following letter to Charles A. Walker, Chairperson of the Bargy Presentment Sessions need no comment!

“Bannow, December 25th, 1846

MY DEAR WALKER—I am very sorry indeed, that I am precluded by illness from meeting you to-day at Duncormack, as it was my wish intention to do.

However under your able and painstaking care, I feel quite satisfied that our Bargy Relief affairs are safe.

I write merely to say, if Mr Morgan and you are agreed upon the subject of drainage I am quite willing to co-operate with you. But it may be required in each Electorate to have a few “Public Work” Presentments also made, lest there might occur an interval of suspended labour before matters were rife for commencing the Draining operations.

Mr Stanley is fully apprized of my views, but I wish entirely to render them subservient to the general accommodation and shall feel quite satisfied with whatever the Sessions may decide upon.

Believe me, always most truly yours

Thomas Boyse.”

The Wexford Independent reported on the 30 of December 1846 on some big spending on public works to provide relief for the starving poor; some arguments:—

“£300 to repair the road and fill gripes between Church of Balloughton and bounds of the division.

On the question of quarrying being again incidentally mentioned, Mr Lett stated that some of Mr Boyse’s tenants objected to drain until they got a road from the sea, to enable them to draw stones from the strand.

Mr Walker—The object of these Sessions is to employ the poor and not to enhance the properties of proprietors—drawing stones or gravel would not give employment to old men, women and children, who could be beneficially employed breaking stones.

£60 to fill gripes at the Moor of Bannow.

£100 for quarrying at Whitty’s Hill, Graig, Kilkevan and the neighbourhood.

£60 to build a bridge at Ballygow.

£100 to lower and finish the hill of Bogher.

£309 17 shillings and 6 pence the portion allotted to Bannow.”

£29 was allotted to sink a well at Tullacanna and £59 to repair a lane from Tullacanna to Bridgetown, a bit of controversy about this type of project.

The Rev. Mr Stanley stated “they could sell building stones, if required. In the parish of Bannow, a large quantity of stones would be made available from a hill that is being cut down.”

I presume that Mr Lett was cleverly endeavouring to help the poor of these localities when he declared:–

“Mr N. Lett—Both Tullacanna and Duncormack require much support from the number of poor in those localities. £130 was then passed to break stones in the neighbourhood of Duncormack.”

My own view remains that out door relief would be a much more effective means of relieving the starving masses than sending mal-nourished men of the projects of the utterly useless but onerous work of building roads in intimidating weather. By 1847 the public works were replaced by out-door relief. As nineteenth century weather was so cold and wet, the land was in considerable part water-logged and landlords and other smaller proprietors wished to borrow to carry out drainage works; this was direct relief. The monies for the road building often leaked away to contractors, surveyors, officials, engineers, financiers, etc. Many of these officials refused to take remuneration; Pierse Ryan of Glynn, the ancestor of the famous Tomcoole family would not take any fees. Young Fr Jim Ryan who enthralled us in our childhood at Clonroche was of the Pierse Ryan genetic line.

From The People April 26th 1882:–

“Richard King v. Walter F. Hayes and six others for the lands of Danes Castle, at the rent of £34; due £51. Decree.

Same v. W. F. Hayes for the lands of Danes Castle, at a rent of £6; due £9. Mr R. W. Ryan for plaintiff.”

The Hayes case became a celebrated one.

I presume that Richard King was the first son of Jonas and heir to his property. When the new harbour was launched at Kilmore in 1849 (if I recollect rightly) the Rev. Richard King seemed to leave before the official banquet; a matter inexplicable to those present. When Jonas was called to respond to the inevitable toasts in his absence, he jested that there was no risk of himself [Jonas] leaving early as he was ever reluctant to part from his faithful friend, “the tumbler”. This would seem to imply a tendency towards alcohol, on his part.

On August 20 1836 The Wexford Independent corrected an error, albeit called by another name:–


In our account of the public dinner to the Lord Lieutenant, the compositor inadvertently omitted the respectable name of Samuel Boyse Esq., as having sat at the head table with his Excellency.”

In the balmy and blazing warm weather of August 1836, tens of thousands poured out on the roads of the Co. Wexford to see and follow the reforming Liberal Lord Lieutenant, Harry Constantine, the Earl of Mulgrave, on his triumphal tour of the Co. Wexford. He had abolished slavery in Jamaica and he intended to tilt laws in Ireland in favour of the Catholic community. Tom Boyse made a mega speech in his favour at Wexford town. Would the aged Sam Boyse have travelled by horse drawn coach to Wexford?

The editor of the Wexford Independent, presumably Mr John Green J. P. stated on the 12th of December 1846:–

“We feel true pleasure in stating that Mr Boyse of Bannow, has expended £1,000 in the purchase of corn, to guard against the alarming contingency before us. Let the princely example be followed. Let other proprietors act, according to their means, in the same philanthropic spirit as Mr Boyse. If they do, the duties of the government will be rendered light. But whatever the proprietors of the country leave unperformed, the government are bound to perform. The government and the legislators of England have supported the proprietors of Ireland in their abuses of power.”